Our range of products is unique

Our business is special steels. Swiss Steel Group produces a full range of tool steels, stainless steel long products and  top-quality engineering (alloyed and unalloyed) steels tailored to suit the most specific applications. These products are available in numerous alloys, grades and dimensions, including ready-to-use components.

Choose from tool steel and engineering steel, stainless, acid- and heat-resistant steel or even bright and special steel.
Our steel chemistries include an extensive range of standard and specific grades, or even grades developed specifically for some customers. Dimensions range from  diameter 13 microns to 1m, depending on the products. Blocks might reach 40 tons. Finishes are numerous: surfaces conditions, adapted packaging and even ready-to-use components are part of our range of products.

Our catalogue is extensive and detailed in the sections which follow.

» Swiss Steel Group Stainless Steel Solutions Brochure

Swiss Steel Group Tool Steel Solutions Brochure

» Swiss Steel Group Engineering Steel Solutions Brochure


Swiss Steel Italia srl
Via G.Di Vittorio 32
I – 20068 PESCHIERA BOR. ( Milano)
Tel. 39 02 09996134

Stefano Gobbi

Tel. +39 02 09996118
Mobil +39 335 227562
