Swiss Steel Italia srl – Peschiera Borromeo
Located in Peschiera Borromeo, the company was founded in April 2009 as Schmolz+Bickenbach srl and was shortly after renamed Schmolz+Bickenbach Inox srl.
In 2014, the company joined the Swiss Steel Group Sales and Services network operating as Schmolz +Bickenbach Italia srl.
The company headquarters and the Swiss Steel Italia trading branch are located in this facility.
Initially, Swiss Steel Italia srl activities included the sales & distribution of Ugitech and DEW stainless steel long products from Peschiera and Bologna warehouses. Today, thanks to the incorporation of Ugitech trading activities (2014), the company is now the sole agent of Ugitech SA, Ugitech Italia SRL and also DEW for their entire stainless steel long products ranges in Italy.
Swiss Steel Italia trading branch is operating as a representative in Italy for the mill-delivered WR, semis, drawn wires products.
Swiss Steel Italia is also the mother company of
Swiss Steel Acciai Speciali srl
How to find it
Swiss Steel Italia srl
Via G.Di Vittorio 32
I – 20068 PESCHIERA BOR. ( Milano)
+39 02 09996137
+39 335 7486341
Stainless bars and engineering bright bars
Stainless steel Semis, Wire Rod and Drawn Wire
Engineering steel Semis, Wire Rod and Bars
Tool steel products
Swiss Steel Italia srl :
Partita IVA e Codice Fiscale IT